My name is Maria

I'm an NYC based private chef, registered dietitian, recipe developer, and host of Seasonal podcast.

About me

A little more about me.

My food journey began as a child in the kitchen, constantly hovering over my mother's shoulder while preparing her traditional Greek meals for the family. Throughout my college years, I found great joy in cooking for my friends and loved ones. I then went on to get a Master's degree in nutriton and dietetics, becoming a Registered Dietitian professionally, and continuing my love affair with cooking and entertaining personally. Throughout my career as an RD, I have worked as a clinical dietitian and recipe developer - helping my patients, clients, and readers meet their nutrition needs using whole foods as the foundation.

Because of my constant curiosity in local produce and the impact it has on the culture of a city, I created a podcast called Seasonal. In this space, I interview local chefs, farmers, artisans, and food editors to highlight local food and explore how it differs from season to season. With Seasonal, I hope to link together the local restaurant scene and farming landscape to push the local food movement forward and encourage members in the community to buy local.

Given my love of culinary nutrition, I have become the resident oncology dietitian and advisory board member of Cancer Wellness Magazine, where I develop recipes and articles specific to targeting cancer cell growth. I have also contributed to articles appearing in many media outlets, including the Columbia Daily Herald and the Providence Journal, educating the population on the importance of balanced diets and mindful eating.

Contact me

With all of my experiences as a clinical dietitian and work in culinary nutrition, I now work as a private chef in NYC specializing in Mediterranean cuisine and therapeutic diets tailored to my clients. I have cooked for parties of up to 25 people in NYC, Boston, and Nantucket, where I celebrate local and seasonal ingredients to allow for the most nutrient-dense and flavorful dishes possible.

Now based in Brooklyn, NY, I hope to bring my love of cooking to your kitchen.

a space to feed your soul

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